“I never wanted to be the first Bruce Lee. I just wanted to be the first Jackie Chan.” Quoted the 61 years old cultural icon. Who doesn’t know him? He is a martial artist, actor, director, stuntman, producer and a singer too. Have a look at few unknown facts about the Guinness World Record Holder Jackie Chan-
1. Jackie Chan spent 12 months in his mother’s womb.

2. His parents left him when he was a child.

3. Jackie Chan has released more than 20 albums in over five languages as the lead vocalist.

4. He has a permanent plastic plug in his skull due to an accident that he survived.

5. One of his young and female fans killed herself after discovering that Chan was married.

6. He has worked as a stunt coordinator with Bruce Lee.

7. Initially, his stage name was “Become the Dragon.”

8. He is afraid of needles and public speaking.

9. Jackie Chan love pandas.

10. His son will not inherit his $130 million fortune and it will go for donation as according to him his son is capable enough to make his own money.

source and courtesy: rajnikantvscidjokes.in