According to traditional Chinese medicine, our body is divided in certain energy meridians related to different organs. These meridians are channels similar to blood vessels that affect your body and health.
The Chinese biological clock can show us the intervals of energy circulating in the body and the strongest energy levels in a certain area every 2 hours. If there’s a problem in an area, the symptoms will surely be noticeable. There are 12 meridians connected to every major organ – the lungs, large intestine, stomach, spleen, heart, small intestine, bladder, heart area, kidney, duodenum, gallbladder and liver meridians. The yin-yang says that they are divide into 6 yin and 6 yang meridians. The yin meridians are the liver, lungs, spleen, heart, kidney and heart, while the yang meridians are the colon, stomach, bladder, small intestine, duodenum and gallbladder.
The energy meridians work for 24 hours divided in 2 12-hour intervals, with each meridian hitting its peak when another one is at its lowest energy level. This is why Chinese doctors always ask their patients at what time the symptoms occurred – this helps them easily identify the problem. Following the biological clock is an important process. Note the time of day you’re feeling energetic, and also when you wake up at night – everything will tell you where there’s a problem in your body.
Time of maximum function
1 – 3 AM – liver (detoxification, muscles and eyes)
3 AM – 5 AM – lungs (skin)
5 AM – 7 AM – colon (assimilation, elimination, skin)
7 AM – 9 AM- stomach (lymph, food digestion)
9 AM – 11 AM – spleen, pancreas (lymph, food digestion)
11 AM – 1 PM – heart (artery blood circulation)
1 PM – 3 PM – small intestine (digestion, assimilation, arteries)
3 PM – 5 PM – bladder (bones, teeth, elimination, cleaning)
5 PM – 7 PM – kidneys (bones, teeth, ears, filtration, elimination)
7 PM – 9 PM – cardiac layer (constriction of blood vessels)
9 PM – 11 PM – duodenum (thermoregulation)
11 PM – 1 AM – gallbladder (digestion, muscles, eyes)
Time of minimal functions (rest)
1 AM – 3 AM – small intestine (digestion, assimilation of the arteries)
3 AM -5 AM – bladder (bones, teeth, cleaning elimination)
5 AM – 7 AM – kidney disease (bones, teeth, ears, filtration, elimination)
7 AM – 9 AM – the heart layer (constriction of blood vessels)
9 AM – 11 AM – duodenum (thermoregulation)
11 AM – 1 PM – gallbladder (digestion, muscles, eyes)
1 PM – 3 PM – liver (detoxification, muscles and eyes)
3 PM – 5 PM – lungs (skin)
5 PM – 7 PM – colon (assimilation, elimination, skin)
7 PM – 9 PM – stomach (lymph, food and digestion)
9 PM – 11 PM – spleen, pancreas (lymph, food digestion)
11 PM – 1 AM – heart (artery blood circulation)
As we mentioned previously, a meridian has its peak when another has its low point. The highest energy levels of the liver for example are between 1 and 3 AM, when the small intestine has the lowest energy levels. Eating late and then going to sleep causes the food not to be fully absorbed in the small intestine, so you need to avoid certain activities during that part of the day.
If an organ shows any weakness during the maximum activity, you should strengthen it. There are plenty of natural remedies and methods such as acupuncture and homeopathy that can help you in cases of energy problems.
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