Yoga is an activity that can be practiced for a lifetime. It’s both physically stimulating and mentally beneficial when practiced regularly, and it’s inspired millions around the world to lead healthier lives. Personally, my own yoga experiences can’t be described as anything but positive, and I believe that’s the case with most people who give it an honest try.
There are many forms of yoga that are specific to the goals you wish to achieve, but you don’t have to subscribe to just one style. I enjoyed Bikram yoga the most because of its meditative focus in repetition, and for the strenuous workout I received in a heated room. Yoga is like a martial art; you need to keep an open mind, and figure out which style is right for you.
Jean Dawson, from England, is a 100-year-old yoga practitioner who understands the activity’s lasting benefits on the body. Currently, she’s practicing yoga everyday despite her age, and changing peoples’ minds when it comes to old age and physical activity.
“I really enjoy doing yoga. It has really changed my life and has helped cure aches and pains I use to have trouble from a slipped disc in my back, but doing yoga really helped me cope with it,” she explains.
She admits that she was never interested in sports when she was growing up, and only started practicing yoga when she turned 67. Now, she practices Iyengar Yoga, which incorporates postures that focus on body alignment. She credits this practice to relieving her of back pain, increased flexibility, and her much improved stamina.
“It has given me good posture, balance, concentration, flexibility, and stamina; I heartily recommend yoga to all and sundry. Suffice to say, I’m a yoga addict.”

However, working on her physical strength and health isn’t the only reason she enjoys the practice. “I have met many kind people through yoga and made some good friends. I don’t know how I would be today if I hadn’t taken up Iyengar Yoga,” she says.
Dawson isn’t the only person proving that old age doesn’t have to influence the amount of activity you pursue.
Ida Keeling, who runs the 100 meter dash in the centenarians division, just broke the world record by running a 1:17 split.

104-year-old Fauja Singh completed the Mumbai Marathon and is the oldest marathon runner in the world. He started long distance running at the age of 81. You’re never too old to start a sport. All you need is the confidence to get up and move, doing something that you truly love.
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