5 Weight Loss Tips That Can Speed Your Metabolism And They Are All Natural

According to Aaron Michelfelder MD from Loyola University Health System is giving some strategies that you need to avoid if you want to lose weight.
Strategy 1: When you decide you want to do some exercises you better find some company. If you only workout and don’t mind on your diet you won`t get the needed results.
Strategy 2: You think a dramatically change in your diet will do well for losing weight. You can`t be more wrong. You don’t need to do radical change. You can start by cutting back few hundred calories daily. You can even eat some fruit, like an apple, before dinner to dull the appetite. You can even have smaller portions of food.
Strategy 3: Taking supplements will help you. This is wrong because the supplements actually burn muscle instead of fat. The opposite thing happens when you stop taking supplements. You will gain more fat than muscles and you will gain more fat than the one you begun with.
Strategy 4: You want to lose more weight in less time. It is always better to lose 1-2 pounds per week. You can start cutting down 500 calories daily and you will lose up to a pound in a week. If you cut down 250 calories daily you will lose 2 pounds in a month. It is better to lose weight slowly because it will be harder to get them back on.
Strategy 5:Why try when you don’t get results quick, i`ll just give up. You don’t need to be disappointed if you don’t get the desired weight after a while. You might be losing weight at a slower rate but you will be healthier and you will lower the blood pressure and the risk of diabetes. The joints will appreciate it as well.
The advice by this doctor is not to lose weight alone. It is always better to have support from someone so that they can stir you in the right direction when you are feeling down and craving for a cupcake.
There are also many programs that can help you do this and be effective. You can attend those programs and it is always best to do them in person than online.
Obesity is the common cause for many diseases and deaths; it is even more common than smoking.
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