This infographic, created by Niraj Naik of the blog The Renegade Pharmacist, outlines several surprising health benefits that fasting can have on your body.
Research has shown that cycles of prolonged fasting protect against immune system damage and induce immune system regeneration.
Fasting has also shown to have remarkable effects on the brain. In this TEDx talk (below) given by Mark Mattson, the current Chief of the Laboratory of Neuroscience at the National Institute on Aging, Mark discusses how fasting twice a week could significantly lower the risk of developing both Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease.
This is Naik's daily routine, which he suggests for others:
"Simple rules – No food for 16hrs (11am – 7pm eating window).
- 3-4 glasses of water after I wake up around 7-8am.
- No solid food till 11-12am. I may drink tea or coffee. Will have my probiotic drink around 9ish. See the recipe here. Do my gym/sauna routine.
- Around 11 or 12 depending on when I wake up I have my Alpha Omega smoothie: See this post for the recipe.
- No food, only drinks like coffee, green tea and water till around 6pm.
- 6pm Main meal (try to keep this healthy with lots of fresh veg as core to every meal but not too concerned about watching everything I eat, except avoiding gluten and anything made in a factory as much as possible). Then no food, only drinks (only alcohol I consume is red wine and the odd pint of guinness down the pub.)"
(h/t) The Renegade Pharmacist. Additional sources: Mercola, EAS Academy