Can Ghosts Hurt You Physically!

Can Ghosts Actually Harm Us? That question has caused some heavy debating. Some believe ghosts can cause serious physical harm, some believe they can only harm us if we allow them, and others don’t believe they don’t exist at all, or if they do, they can’t harm us.

But there are different ways of causing harm without physical contact. Let’s check it out…

The Element of Belief

In the first instance, of course, there has to be an assumption that ghosts do exist in our physical world. I’m a person who not only believes in ghosts but I have actually seen and felt the presence of supernatural entities a number of times in my life. So for me it is a perfectly normal belief that ghosts do exist.
But what about people who don’t believe in ghosts: Are they capable of being hurt by something they don’t believe in (assuming ghost can hurt the living)? Does our belief in them make a difference in whether or not they can harm us or would they be able to regardless of our belief? Another consideration is the definition of hurt (or pain).

Emotional or Psychological

If the term “hurt” included not only physical pain (which is often what the term is used to define) but also emotional, spiritual or psychological pain then it’s possible that a ghost’s presence could have that effect on some people, so then the answer would be “yes”, ghosts could hurt people.
For me, though, I would be more interested in the intent behind any supernatural action, and it is my belief that true ghosts, as opposed to other supernatural entities, do not intend to hurt the living. They simply have a different method of communication than some people are used to.
If you watch any popular television programs that deal with ghosts there is generally some hysterical person who is in an emotional state because he/she has been impacted by unexplained phenomena and quite often the program goes on to show an almost textbook case of mass hysteria occurring. It is this personification of a haunting that have greatly maligned the whole idea of ghosts in our society.


The word “hurt” implies to me a malicious intention; if you set out to hurt someone then there is often a negative emotion behind this action. Of course it is possible to hurt people through omission or even by accident; it is also possible to feel remorse over an action that may hurt another person, but do ghosts have these same problems despite the fact that they operate on a separate plain of existence.
I guess that depends on the ghost, but we are getting ahead of ourselves. Logically a ghost is not capable of physically hurting a living person simply because they operate on a different plain of existence. They do not have as solid a physical state as we do; while they may manifest themselves in a way we may recognize in terms of dress and mannerisms, the image is one that has no actual physical substance.
So if you had a ghost walk up to you and slap you around the face it is unlikely that you would sustain any bruising or even feel any of the expected impact from the blow. You may feel a draft, you may feel a chill for a short moment as your energies meet the energies of spirits, but that would be the extent of the physical injury.

What’s the Answer?

The question as to whether or not a ghost might emotionally or psychologically hurt a person is more difficult to address. Many negative ghost/living interactions are caused more by a living person who has their own reasons for rejecting the encounter, than being a fault of the spirit involved. Many people have a social or religious reason for rejecting the concept of ghosts, so any paranormal activity in a family home could cause stress to the family.
There are other people who believe that any paranormal experience could only be the work of the devil and so these encounters can be seen as evil – and unfortunately popular movies such as the Amityville horrors and The Exorcist perpetuate this myth, as well as nonsense claims may by so-called experts such as Ed Warren.
In both of these instances a ghostly encounter could cause emotional and psychological harm and there is plenty of evidence to show that major stress can cause negative physical symptoms. Is this the ghost’s fault?
I personally don’t think so, but of course situations involving persons who reject ghosts, can cause a negative reaction in a physical person so I guess the answer is relative and nothing more. Can ghosts hurt you? The answer depends on you. From my point of view: No, they can’t.
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